Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Sister

Years ago, deep in my heart, there abided resentment . . .
Resentment for one so small --
One who shone like the sun, and twinkled with beauty
Like the stars in a glorious night.
Deep in my heart there was such bitterness
That bit like the cold on a breezy winter's night.
There was ever growing spite within
Towards the one who only showed love
And never-ending patience
Towards me . . . the one who could not show her love.
She has always been
Such a ray of light in the darkness of my heart.
Throughout the years I was filled --
Overflowing with much jealousy
For the one so small . . .
My sister.
No one could understand my troubles . . .
The things I felt towards her,
But then again --
Neither could I.
What could she have possibly done . . .
She was innocent -- maybe that was the problem.
She shone with such light
That my greediness burned through.
I would have given anything to have momma to myself . . .
To know that I was her girl.
So all through the years I wanted to cause her misery,
I wanted her to feel the pain I thought that I had,
The pain I felt from her taking my place.
Such terrible feelings I had towards the one so small . . .
My sister.
She never ceased to cheer my weary heart,
Nor to show me her love.
Slowly making her way into my heart . . .
The place I have always loved her,
But never dared let her know.
I love her with my whole heart and would have it no other way
She has shown me acceptance of self, and of others.
I am blessed to have her in my life.
Today she is my best friend . . .
She means everything in my world --
I would do anything for the one so small . . .
My sister.